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Summer is around the corner and will be here before we know it! It's hard to imagine just a couple of weeks ago when we were watching the snow fall and dreaming of warmer weather, that it would be here this quickly.

And summer means it's time for community projects. Our community projects are fun. You get to meet with your garden club friends and dig in the dirt! What could be better? We are also doing important community work while having fun. All members should take part in at least one community project workday a year. Often, members pick a community project near to their hearts and do all of the workdays for that project. That is usually only 4-5 and some only have 1 a year. So it's not a big time commitment and if you show up the day of without signing up, that's great too!

Our community projects include the Smoky Hill Library Butterfly/Pollinator garden that we designed, installed, and maintain, the Ronald McDonald gardens and porch pots, the Pickens Technical College memorial rose garden, the CFGC HQ workday (June), and the Ft. Logan Cemetery workday (July). The dates and times for all workdays are in the club calendar on this website. The calendar is updated regularly so be sure to check it often.

Summer also means time to enjoy your own garden. Take the time to really savor how all of your hard work has paid off in your garden. And if you have a chance, snap a picture or take a little video to share with the club! We'd love to see your gardens.

Happy Gardening!

Victoria Schmidt

Dig and Dream Garden Club

NFRD President, CFGC Vice-President/President-elect

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Updated: May 9, 2023

At this time of year it's hard to believe that Spring is just around the corner. But before you know it, Spring will be here! Now's the time to start planting those inside seeds. Why notgive it a try this year?

We need members to grow plants - both pererinial and annual as well as veggies - for our May Plant Sale. Even if your plants don't turn out as well as you'd like, you'll have learned something about starting plants from seeds. And your fellow garden club members are here to answer questions and provide support. Contact Michele if interested and she will give you a starter kit and some seeds.

But what about sowing seeds outdoors? Depending on the plant, it is about time for some of those to go in the ground as well. As we learned in our Growing Veggies in CO presentation in March, some cold weather plants, like lettuce, can be sown directly on top of the snow for April harvest! Wouldn't that be great? I think I'll give it a try this year to see if that works out for my garden.

I look forward to hearing what you all are planning with your gardens this year!

Victoria Schmidt

President, Dig and Dream Garden Club

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Updated: Mar 16, 2021

The Dig and Dream Garden Club has been keeping busy during this trying time by holding both virtual and in-person meetings and doing our workdays in shifts - following proper social distancing guidelines of course!

Although not all members have joined all of our virtual meetings, we have had a quorum at all but one meeting since March 2020! We also have virtual educational programs to include one on planting for humminbirds and another on gardening for butterflies with a virtual garden tour, which was a lot of fun.

We also celebrated our cherished member, Dorothy Muir’s, 100th Birthday this past year with a fun drive by parade!

We have also expanded our website and added the ability for our member to pay their membership dues online.

We have been working hard to find creative ways to keep our members engaged. We look forward to learning tips from the other clubs on how you’ve been doing this as well!

The photos were taken at a work day at the Smoky Hill Library National Butterfly Garden that we designed, put in and maintain.We are using the tools given to us by Ames through their grant progran this year!

By Victoria Schmidt

President, Dig and Dream Garden Club

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